Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New stitch markes now available!

I released 6 new sets of markers last night.  They are now available in the shop.  Check it out!

Monday, February 27, 2012



Starting March 1st through March 31st we will be having a


All stitch marker sets will be marked down by 25%  No coupon necessary, the prices will automatically be marked down.  Now is the time to stock up on stitch markers.  This will include new sets being released throughout the month.  Stop by the shop to put together your wish list!


Friday, February 24, 2012

We are all over the world!

I have always wanted to do this.  Here are all the places Trinity's Trinkets has shipped to.  Lets see if at the very least we can add a few more states to this map!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Mega Roll - Coming Soon!

I am thinking to re-release the Mega Roll.  I designed this case back in 2006-2007 when I was living in Ireland.  I had great success with this case and design.  I have two cases that I use, my interchanegable case and the Mega Roll.  The Mega Roll holds everything the interchangeable does not.  The case you see below is one of the first cases I made. So please excuse the state of it.  It goes to show you though that this case holds up and stands the test of time.  I still have all of my original notes on the pattern so this should be easy to release.  Stay Tuned!

The case features 13 pockets of varying sizes across and three tiers worth of pockets.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What's going on at the studio?

The sad answer to this question is not a lot!  I believe I mentioned before that my husband and I are expecting our first baby in August.  Needless to say my energy levels have been low due to lack of sleep.  I keep waiting for these bursts of energy that you are supposed to get in your second trimester. 

Along with the shop I do work a full time job Mondays through Fridays.  This is why you see most of my activity on the weekends.  The past few weekends have been a little busy for me so I have not had a chance to get into the studio to create.  I have however had the urge to knit tiny things!  I thought I would take a moment to share some of the things I make outside of the items I offer in Trinity's Trinkets.  Knitting is one of my biggest passions.  Here are a few things I have been working on recently.

This hat was just too cute to say no to.  There is a sweater that matches that I will probably also be making.

We intend on using cloth diapers so these wool soakers will be a big help.

Lets just hope and pray that the baby does not have any wool allergies!
 So that is a little sneak peak at the things I have been working on when I have little sprouts of energy.  We have no plans for the weekend so hopefully I can muster up enough energy to get into the studio and create some new items for the shop this week.  Stay tuned!