Hello everyone and happy Friday! You may have noticed the shop being a little stale as of late. I have been busy busy trying to get ready for the arrival of our first wee one due pretty much any day now. With all the preparations in place for the baby I have had no time to get in the studio to create new trinkets for the shop. While it still may be a bit before I can get some new items up I do have a bit of exciting news!
As most of you know, Trinity's Trinkets has been a part time gig for me. I have been working a Mon-Fri 9-5 job and working on shop items as I can. Well, today is my last day as a 9-5 career girl. After today I take on my new career as stay at home momma (SAHM) and business owner of Trinity's Trinkets. I am so excited that my husband and I are able to do this and that he is fully supportive of this decision.
What does this mean for the shop? While I know the baby is going to be a handful and will consume a good majority of my time, there will still be more time for me to devote to the shop. I have so many ideas floating around in my head that I have just not had the time to make them happen. Once baby gets here and we settle into a groove I am looking forward to sharing new items with our clients.
As always thanks to all our clients for their continued support and we hope you will stay tuned for the exciting new things to come!