Wednesday, April 18, 2012

For all of my crafty creative friends

For all of my crafty creative friends,

I am going to start featuring other artists on my blog for Trinity’s Trinkets.  I strongly believe in supporting other artist and sharing their works.  If you would be interested in having your work featured on my blog please submit the following to me.
  • A picture of yourself in your studio space either working on a piece (preferably) or posed.  If you don’t already have one of these it is a great thing to have and use as you are self promoting.
  •  3-4 pictures of some of your creations.   As always I would post what you are most proud of.
  •  Links to the following if you have them:
o   A blog
o   Etsy shop
o   Website
o   Artfire
o   If you have none of the above please provide your contact information should people want to know more about your creations.
  • Please answer the following questions about yourself and your art.
o   Tell us a little about yourself
o   Where does your inspiration come from?
o   Who has influenced you the most in your creations?
o   How would you describe your creative process?
o   How do you get out of creative ruts?
o   What advice would you give to aspiring artists?

Please submit all the information to me by email at:
I’m not sure yet how often I will do this.  I would like to do it weekly but may start out monthly to get it going.
I look forward to receiving everyone's entries.  Please feel free to pass this along to other artists as well.  I would love to feature a wide variety of artists.

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