Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Featured Artist: Ewe and Yoors

Tell us a bit about yourself.

My name is Eric, I'm 30 years old and got into crafting at an early age. I've always enjoyed working with my hands (it kinda runs in the family) and as time went on I also got into historical reenacting. I taught myself how to knit several years ago, and have since also taught myself how to spin on drop spindle, supported spindle as well as using an Ashford Traditional spinning wheel. I also taught myself how to card, comb, and clean, and dye wool. Stacy (who happens to be my cousin on my Mother side) has asked me to put some of my spinning up on her site. We had joked about opening up our own yarn shop and I said we should call it EWE & YOOR'S.

EWE & YOOR'S? What Kind of name is that?  My mother and Stacy's mother are sisters from a good Polish family by Judzientowicz (pronouned YOUDS-en-tovich) when our family moved to the US, it was shortened to YOOR. So in honor of that you get EWE & YOOR'S

Where does your inspiration come from?

How do I decide what to work with?  I typically will just open my stash bin for spinning and rummage around until something jumps our and says, “SPIN ME!” I love working with a variety of fibers, primarily wool, but have also enjoyed working with mohair, alpaca, and most recently, Great Pyrenees from the dog of one of my neighbors. From there, I'll either spin it on the wheel, or if it really says that it needs some love, I'll use one my 10+ spindles. 

As far as color goes, I typically will work with cooler colors, blues, greens etc. love also spinning the more firey colors. I really try to look for colors that blend well together when they are being spun and plied. I take the view of are these colors going to detract from the pattern? Or accentuate it? Will the pattern get lost in a morass of color or enhance it?

Who has influenced you the most in your creations?

Honestly, I would have to say that History itself would be my biggest inspiration.  Spinning is one of the most important anthropological steps forward in human history that we have taken.  Historically, it has been so important that it was called an eternal task.  The act of spinning fiber has made it's way into myth, legends, and even fairy tales.  There have been archeological findings from every culture around the world of clay, stone and bead whorls, which is indication that they were as or more important that say, a hatchet or spear. 

How do you get out of creative ruts?

Climb over it, dig under it, or go around it. I choose not to let any blocks get in my way. Being an Aries, I like to “ram” my way through it.

What advice would you give to aspiring artists?

Find your passion and go for it.  Figure out what calls to you and learn what wisdom there is to learn from it. Whether it's spinning wool, sewing, or even making leather masks, find what ignites the passion of creativity and nurture it.

Website:  My yarns can be found on sale through Trinity's Trinkets at Etsy.  Trinity's Trinkets
I can also be reached by email at:

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