Wednesday, January 29, 2014

New year, new house and new baby!

I know it has been a while since I have been in touch.  We have had a lot going these past few months.  Our biggest change is a move!  We moved from our little cabin in the woods into a stunning 1920 Colonial.  On top of that, we found out we are pregnant with our second child!  So much good stuff but no time to create.  Well, we are in the new house now and construction is underway on our new studio.
 It's not much to look at right now, but with lots of light coming in it has a lot of potential!  I have a new desk coming this weekend and hutches to store all our lovely fabrics in.  I still need to decide on a color for the room...

With the new studio so many new things are going to come!  I have a large set of goals for our shop this year which include some possible vending ideas and better communication.  We have lots of ways for you to keep up to date on what is going on here at our studios.  Here are just a few places to find us:

Twitter:  @TrinitysTrinkets
Instagram:  COMING SOON!!!

In case you did not see our announcement.  We are having a 25% off sale to make room for new stuff.  Use the coupon code NY2014 at checkout for your discount.  This applies to in-stock items only.

I have a feeling it is going to be a good year for us.  Be sure to check the above places for updates and exclusive deals for our followers.  A little late but....


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